Sunday 28 April 2013

Watch that contact lens

Contact lenses are corrective plastic disk used to correct eye defects and all sorts of eye problems. However, there are some people that use contact lenses for cosmetic and fashion purposes. Contact lenses can be likened to eye glasses as it performs the same function as it. The only difference is that it is worn on the eyes.

Using contact lenses is no crime as it has its health functions. But for freaks of contact lens, who cannot do without it, here are some reasons why you should watch it.

Over using contact lenses could lead to the following:

Dry eyes: This is a state or condition whereby the eyes are dry due to lack or insufficient tears. This condition is evident both with soft and hard contact wearers. People with dry eyes experience redness, eyes feeling hot and burning in the eyes.

Inflammation of the eyelids: This is a situation where the eyelid burns or experiences redness due to the reaction from wearing the contact lenses. Some people have bump-like structures under their eye-lid which makes wearing contact lenses very painful for them.

Cornea problems: Problem with the cornea also sometimes results from wearing contact lenses, such as vision haziness and swelling of the eyes. This happens when the amount of oxygen taken to the cornea is low, a condition known as hypoxia. Scrapes and scratches to the corneas can also occur. Wearing of contact can also change the shape of the cornea leading to diseases of the cornea.

According to, it could also cause the following:

Conjuvitis: This is an eye infection whose symptoms include eye itching, redness, increased lens awareness, discharge and blurred vision. One of the many things that can cause it, is protein buildup on the contact lens, resulting in an allergic reaction. Lenses that are worn past their recommended timeline can build up heavy deposits of protein, which can cause numerous problems besides allergic reaction.

Corneal ulcer: There are expiration dates, for  contact lenses, once past their expiration or recommended usage date, the lens start to deteriorate and are no longer suitable for daily use. Overused contacts can let in small particles of dust or dirt, which comes between the contact and the eye. When this happens, the particles can scratch the surface of the eye and create corneal abrasion. When this abrasion is infected, it can cause corneal ulcer.

Corneal ulcer is a severe type of eye damage that can result from contact lens overuse. Symptoms include eye redness, pain, discharge, blurry vision, and swollen eyelids. Its long-term effects, if untreated, include corneal scarring and corneal perforation. If you think you might have a corneal ulcer, remove your contact lens immediately and consult a physician.

Using contact lenses maybe detrimental to the health, so watch it!

Adapted: WebMD


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